
A module to notify events with beeps (buzzer needed) and blinks. This is useful for physical debugging


NOTIFYER (buzz_pin, led_pin, fq=4000, on_time=150, n_times=2, off_time=150, timer=None, period=5000)

  • buzz_pin: the pin number to drive the buzzer

  • led_pin: the pin number to drive the led

  • fq: Frequency of the PWM to drive the buzzer

  • on_time: time in ms that the buzzer or led is on when calling the methods buzzer_call(1) or blink_call(1)

  • off_time: time in ms that the buzzer or led is off when calling the methods buzzer_call(1) or blink_call(1)

  • n_times: number of times a cycle of on-off is repeated when calling the methods buzzer_call(1) or blink_call(1)

  • timer: the number of the Timer to use, if using notify method. (This allows to schedule notifications and repeat it every period milliseconds)

  • period: time in milliseconds to pass to the Timer.

Methods of NOTIFYER class:

  • buzz_beep (beep_on_time, n_times, beep_off_time, fq, led=True)

    • To make the buzz beep with the indicated parameters

  • led_blink (led_on_time, n_times, led_off_time)

    • To make the buzz blink with the indicated parameters

  • notify (use=’buzz’, mode=’SHOT’, timeout=5000, on_init=None)

    • To make a notification using buzz or led indicated by use, in the mode SHOT (one time after timeout in ms) or PERIODIC (each time after timeout in ms, until stopped). Allows to execute a function on_init, for example , print or log a message.