

ACTIONS: help, h, dm, fio, fw, kg, rp, sh, db, gp, gc, docs, udocs, mdocs.

  • help:

    to see help about upydev. (Same as h, or use -h to see information about optional args too)

  • dm:

    to see help about device management.

  • fio:

    to see help on file input/ouput operations.

  • fw:

    to see help on firmware operations.

  • kg:

    to see help on keygen operations.

  • rp:

    to see to see help on REPL modes.

  • sh:

    to see help on SHELL-REPL modes.

  • db:

    to see help on debugging operations.

  • gp:

    to see help on group mode options.

  • gc:

    to see General commmands help.


To see help about a any ACTION/COMMAND, use -h after that ACTION/COMMAND as : $ upydev ACTION -h


To see docs about upydev, upydevice or MicroPython use docs, udocs, mdocs, respectively. Use a keyword as second argument for keyword search.

Device Management

ACTIONS : config, check, set, register, lsdevs, mkg, mgg, mksg, see, gg

  • config:

    To save upy device settings (see -t, -p, -g, -@, -gg), so the target and password arguments wont be required any more. A -gg flag will add the device to the global group (UPY_G) (-t target -p password -g global directory -@ device name -gg global group)

  • check:

    To check current device information or with -@ entry point if stored in the global group. Use -i flag if device is online/connected to get more info.

  • set:

    To set current device configuration from a device saved in the global group with -@ entry point

  • register:

    To register a device name as a shell function so it can be called from the command line and pass any args to upydev. This adds the function in ~/.profile or ~/.brashrc or any other config file indicated with -s option

  • lsdevs:

    To see which devices are registered, this also defines lsdevs as a shell function so it can be called directly

  • mkg:

    To make a group of devices to send commands to.

  • mgg:

    To manage a group of devices to send commands to. Use -G for the name of the group and -add option to add devices (indicate a name, ip and the password of each board) or -rm to remove devices (indicated by name)

  • mksg:

    To make a subset group of an existing group. Use -f for the name of the subgroup, -G for the name of parent group and -devs option to indicate the names of the devices to include.

  • see:

    To get specific info about a devices group

  • gg:

    To see global group

File IO operations

ACTIONS: put, get, dsync, install, update_upyutils

  • put:

    To upload a file/files/pattern to device.

  • get:

    To download a file/files/pattern from device.

  • dsync:

    To recursively sync a folder/files/pattern from/to device filesystem. See dsync examples


    dsync needs in device, and if using -d flag it needs in device or use -fg flag. Also -rf flag needs in device. Use dsync -h to see help about flag options.

    dsync expects current working directory ./ to be at the same level of device filesystem current working directory, e.g. root / directory as default. so to sync host cwd ./ use: $ upydev dsync or to sync device cwd into host cwd use: $ upydev dsync -d.

  • install:

    Install libs to /lib path with upip.

  • update_upyutils:

    To update the latest versions of,,,,,,,,,,, and


ACTIONS: fwr, flash, ota, mpyx

  • fwr:

    To list or get available firmware versions.

  • flash:

    To flash a firmware file in the device.

  • ota:

    To do an OTA firmware update. This needs or

  • mpyx:

    To froze a module/script , and save some RAM, it uses mpy-cross tool (mpy-cross must be available in $PATH) e.g. $ upydev mpyx [FILE].py, $ upydev mpyx [FILE].py [FILE2].py, $ upydev mpyx *.py.


ACTIONS: kg rsa, rsa sign, rsa verify, rsa auth, kg wr, kg ssl

  • kg rsa:

    To generate RSA-2048 bit key that will be shared with the device (it is unique for each device) use -tfkey to send this key to the device (use only if connected directly by USB, the AP of the device or a “secure” wifi e.g. local/home). Use -rkey option to remove private key from host (only store public key). To generate a host key pair use kg rsa host. Then the public key will be sent to the device so it can verify or authenticate the host signature.

  • rsa sign:

    To sign a file with device RSA key, $ upydev rsa sign [FILE] . To sign a file with host RSA key: $ upydev rsa sign host [FILE]

  • rsa verify:

    To verify a signature of a file made with device RSA key : $ upydev rsa verify [FILE]. To verify in device a signature made with host RSA key: $ upydev rsa verify host [FILE]

  • rsa auth:

    To authenticate a device with RSA encrypted challenge(Public Keys exchange must be done first)

  • kg wr:

    To “refresh” the WebREPL password with a new random password derivated from the RSA key previously generated. A token then is sent to the device to generate the same password from the RSA key previously uploaded. This won’t leave any clues in the TCP Websocekts packages of the current WebREPL password. (Only the token will be visible; check this using wireshark) (This needs $ upydev kg wr, $ upydev keygen wr

  • kg ssl:


    See WebSocket (ws) / WebSocket Secure (wss) TLS to check how to use these commands properly

    • dev (default):
      • gen (default): So $ upydev kg ssl # same as $ upydev kg ssl dev gen. To generate ECDSA key and certificate to enable SSL sockets This needs a ROOT CA key first, generated with $ upydev kg ssl CA. Use -tfkey to upload this key to the device (use only if connected directly by USB, the AP of the device or a “secure” wifi e.g. local/home). Use -to [serial devname] flag with -tfkey to transfer keys by USB/Serial. $ upydev kg ssl

      • export: To export a device certificate to current working directory (cwd)

      • add: To add a device certificate from cwd to upydev verify locations path

      • status: To check datetime validity of a device certificate.

    • CA:
      • gen (default): So $ upydev kg ssl CA # same as $ upydev kg ssl CA gen. To generate ECDSA ROOT CA key and certificate to enable SSL sockets This needs a password, which will be required to generate and sign device/host certificates. Use -tfkey to upload this ROOT CA cert to the device (use only if connected directly by USB, the AP of the device or a “secure” wifi e.g. local/home). Use -to [serial devname] flag with -tfkey to transfer keys by USB/Serial.

      • export: To export a ROOT CA key/cert to current working directory (cwd)

      • add: To add a ROOT CA key/cert from cwd to upydev verify locations path

      • status: To check datetime validity of a ROOT CA certificate.

    • host:
      • gen (default): So $ upydev kg ssl host # same as $ upydev kg ssl host gen. To generate a HOST ECDSA key and certificate to enable SSL sockets This needs a ROOT CA key first, generated with $ upydev kg ssl CA. This is needed so the device can authenticate the client (host).

      • status: To check datetime validity of the HOST certificate.


ACTIONS: repl, rpl,

  • repl/rpl:
    To enter one of the following depending of upydevice type:
    • WebSocketDevice –> WebREPL/WebSecREPL (with -wss flag)

    • SerialDeivce –> Serial REPL


ACTIONS: shell, shl, shl-config, set_wss, jupyterc

  • shell/shl:

    To enter shell-repl

    e.g. $ upydev shl, $ upydev shl@mydevice

    It has autocompletion on TAB for available devices.

  • shl-config:

    To configure shell-repl prompt colors.

  • set_wss:

    To toggle between WebSecureREPL and WebREPL, to enable WebSecureREPL do $ upydev set_wss, to disable $ upydev set_wss -wss

  • jupyterc:

    To run MicroPython upydevice kernel for jupyter console, CTRL-D to exit, %%lsmagic to see magic commands and how to connect to a device. Hit tab to autcomplete magic commands and MicroPython/Python code. (This needs jupyter and Jupyter Upydevice kernel to be installed)


ACTIONS: ping, probe, scan, run, timeit, stream_test, sysctl, log, pytest setup, pytest, play

  • ping:

    pings the target to see if it is reachable, CTRL-C to stop

  • probe:

    To test if a device is reachable, use -gg flag for global group and -devs to filter which ones.

  • scan:

    To scan for devices, use with -sr for serial, -nt for network, or -bl for bluetooth low energy, if no flag provided it will do all three scans.

  • run :

    Same as import [SCRIPT], where [SCRIPT] is indicated as second argument or by -f option (script must be in upydevice or in sd card indicated by -s option and the sd card must be already mounted as ‘sd’). Supports CTRL-C to stop the execution and exits nicely. e.g. $ upydev run

  • timeit:

    To measure execution time of a module/script indicated as second argument or by -f option This is an implementation of e.g. $ upydev timeit

  • stream_test:

    To test download speed (from device to host). Default test is 10 MB of random bytes are sent in chunks of 20 kB and received in chunks of 32 kB. To change test parameters use -chunk_tx, -chunk_rx, and -total_size.

  • sysctl :

    To start/stop a script without following the output. To follow initiate wrepl/srepl as normal, and exit with CTRL-x (webrepl) or CTRL-A,X (srepl) TO START: use -start [SCRIPT_NAME], TO STOP: use -stop [SCRIPT_NAME]

  • log:

    To log the output of a upydevice script, indicate script with -f option, and the sys.stdout log level and file log level with -dslev and -dflev (defaults are debug for sys.stdout and error for file). To log in background use -daemon option, then the log will be redirected to a file with level -dslev. To stop the ‘daemon’ log mode use -stopd and indicate script with -f option. ‘Normal’ file log and ‘Daemon’ file log are under .upydev_logs folder in $HOME directory, named after the name of the script. To follow an on going ‘daemon’ mode log, use -follow option and indicate the script with -f option.

  • pytest setup:

    To set pytest.ini and in current working directory to enable selection of specific device with -@ entry point.

  • pytest:

    To run upydevice test with pytest, do $ upydev pytest setup first. e.g. $ upydev pytest See Making Test for devices


    pytest and pytest-benchmark required. Install with $ pip install pytest pytest-benchmark

  • play:

    To play custom tasks in ansible playbook style, e.g. $ upydev play mytask.yaml. See Using tasks files. To add/remove/list tasks in upydev use add, rm, list. Tasks will be stored in ~/.upydev_playbooks

Group Mode


To send a command to multiple devices in a group (made with make_group command)

To target specific devices within a group add -devs option as -devs [DEV NAME] [DEV NAME] ... or use -@ [DEV NAME] [DEV NAME] ... which has autocompletion on tab and accepts group names, * wildcards or brace expansion.

e.g. $ upydev check -@ esp\*, $ upydev check -@ esp{1..3}


upydev will use local working directory group configuration unless it does not find any or manually indicated with -g option

-G :

$ upydev ACTION -G GROUPNAME [opts] or $ upydev ACTION -gg [opts] for global group. This sends the command to one device at a time


$ upydev ACTION -GP GROUPNAME [opts] or $ upydev ACTION -ggp [opts] for global group. For parallel/non-blocking command execution using multiprocessing