
MicroPython logging module with time format (predefined) and log to file support.

  • upylog.basicConfig (level=INFO, filename=_filename, stream=None, format=None, sd=False)

    • level: same as logging, by default upylog.INFO

      • options: [upylog.DEBUG, upylog.INFO, upylog.WARNING, upylog.ERROR, upylog.CRITICAL] or strings “DEBUG”, “INFO”…

    • filename: by default ‘error.log

    • stream: by default sys.stderr

    • format: by default “LVL_MSG”, this will print [NAME] [LEVEL] MESSAGE

      • options:

        • “LVL_MSG” –> [NAME] [LEVEL] MESSAGE


    • sd: default False; if set to True, ‘error.log’ file will be store in a mounted sd named ‘sd’

  • upylog.getLogger (name, log_to_file=False, rotate=_rotate)

    • name: the name of the logger.

    • log_to_file: wether save log output in the log file.

    • rotate: max size in bytes of the log file (default 2000).


    When max size is reached the log file will be renamed [logfile].log.1 and continue logging to [logfile].log, which means that if at all there would be two log files with max size of aprox. rotate bytes.


If using time format, don’t forget to set the RTC, otherwise it will start to count from default EPOCH.


By default Logger log level and file log level will be the same but both can be changed with for log level Logger.setLevel(level) and file log level Logger.setLogfileLevel(level).


import upylog

upylog.basicConfig(level=upylog.INFO, format='TIME_LVL_MSG')
errlog = upylog.getLogger("errorlog_test", log_to_file=True) # This log to file 'error.log';
log = upylog.getLogger("log_test") # This just prints to sys.stdout
log.debug("Test message: %d(%s)", 100, "foobar")
log.info("Test message2: %d(%s)", 100, "foobar")
log.warning("Test message3: %d(%s)")
log.error("Test message4")
log.critical("Test message5")
upylog.info("Test message6")

except Exception as e:
    log.exception(e, "Exception Ocurred") # This error is not logged to file

except Exception as e:
    errlog.exception(e, "Exception Ocurred") # This error IS logged to file


2019-11-14 21:37:45 [log_test] [INFO] Test message2: 100(foobar)
2019-11-14 21:37:45 [log_test] [WARN] Test message3: %d(%s)
2019-11-14 21:37:45 [log_test] [ERROR] Test message4
2019-11-14 21:37:45 [log_test] [CRIT] Test message5
2019-11-14 21:37:45 [None] [INFO] Test message6
2019-11-14 21:37:45 [log_test] [ERROR] Exception Ocurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_code.py", line 14, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: divide by zero
2019-11-14 21:37:45 [errorlog_test] [ERROR] Exception Ocurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_code.py", line 20, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: divide by zero
# To see if the error was logged to file
>>> cat('error.log')
2019-11-14 21:37:45 [errorlog_test] [ERROR] Exception Ocurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_code.py", line 20, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: divide by zero


To enable remote logging with ursyslogger.RsysLogger add remote logger to log with:

>>> rsyslog = RsysLogger("server.local", port=514, hostname="mydevice", t_offset="+01:00")
>>> log.remote_logger = rsyslog
>>> log.info("Remote hello")
2022-09-15 10:06:04 [esp32@mydevice] [INFO] Remote hello

and in server e.g.

$ tail -F mydevice.local.log
Sep 15 10:06:04 mydevice.local esp32@mydevice Remote hello