
Using Config module

The config module allows to create and modify configuration dinamically in the device using *_config.py files.


Config parameter values accept numbers, strings and booleans True, False. To use strings, they must be double + single quoted e.g. a="'INFO'".

Using config module as upydev command

Use $ upydev uconfig, (see help with $ upydev uconfig -h)


Note the u to avoid aliasing with config command.


config module expects / to be the root path of the device, if this is not the case add a root_path.py file with this content:

RPATH = '/flash'  # change flash for the root path of your device


$ # Add a configuration named test
$ upydev uconfig add test

$ # Add parameters and values to test configuration.
$ upydev uconfig test: a=1 b=True c="'DEBUG'"
test -> a=1, b=True, c='DEBUG'

$ # Check configuration files now
$ upydev uconfig

$ # Check test configuration file
$ upydev uconfig test -y  # pretty print flag
  b: True
  c: DEBUG
  a: 1

After this there should be a file in device cwd ./ named test_config.py

To access test device configuration, e.g. in main.py or REPL.

>>> from test_config import TEST
>>> dir(TEST)
['__class__', 'b', 'c', 'a']

>>> TEST.a
>>> TEST.b
>>> TEST.c

Using config module in shell-repl mode

Same as above but this time is config command, e.g

$ upydev shl
 shell-repl @ pybV1.1
 SerialREPL connected

 MicroPython v1.19.1-217-g5234e1f1e on 2022-07-29; PYBv1.1 with STM32F405RG
 Type "help()" for more information.

 - CTRL-k to see keybindings or -h to see help
 - CTRL-s to toggle shell/repl mode
 - CTRL-x or "exit" to exit
pyboard@pybV1.1:~ $ config add foo
pyboard@pybV1.1:~ $ config foo: a=1 b=2 c=3
foo -> a=1, b=2, c=3
pyboard@pybV1.1:~ $ config

pyboard@pybV1.1:~ $ config foo -y
   b: 2
   c: 3
   a: 1

Using config module in a device script

To add a configuration (only needed one time)

from config import add_param

This adds a function named set_foo in config.params module.

To set foo configuration parameters

from config.params import set_foo
set_foo(a=1, b=2, c=3)

Which creates a foo_config.py file with a FOO named tuple.

>>> from foo_config import FOO
>>> print(FOO)
FOOCONFIG(a=1, c=3, b=2)
>>> FOO.a
>>> FOO.b
>>> FOO.c

Using config module in device development

Using config module in device main.py allows to set for example different run-time modes e.g.

pyboard@pybV1.1:~ $ config add mode
pyboard@pybV1.1:~ $ config mode: app=False

Now in device main.py

from mode_config import MODE
import my_app

if MODE.app:

  # this is debug mode
  print('Device ready to debug')
  # or

Or set log levels e.g. in combination with upylog.py

pyboard@pybV1.1:~ $ config add log
pyboard@pybV1.1:~ $ config log: level="'INFO'"

Now in device main.py

import upylog
from log_config import LOG

upylog.basicConfig(level=LOG.level, format="TIME_LVL_MSG")
log = upylog.getLogger("pyb", log_to_file=True, rotate=1000)
log.logfile = "debug.log"

log.info(f"Device ready")
log.debug("Just some debug info") # this will not print anything

After a soft reset:

MPY: sync filesystems
MPY: soft reboot
2022-08-16 16:18:39 [pyb] [INFO] Device ready
MicroPython v1.19.1-217-g5234e1f1e on 2022-07-29; PYBv1.1 with STM32F405RG
Type "help()" for more information.

Using dsync command


To enable dsync command use $ upydev update_upyutils shasum.py upysh.py upysh2.py otherwise only dsync -f option would be avaible (which will force sync host current working directory into device current working directory)

dsync expects current working directory ./ to be at the same level of device current working directory ./ which by default is usually root / directory. So let’s consider this example project: my_project with the following structure

my_project$ tree
├── README.md
├── configfiles.config
└── src
    ├── boot.py
    ├── main.py
    └── lib
         └── foo.py

And device filesystem

├── boot.py
├── main.py
└── lib
     ├── shasum.py
     └── upysh.py

So to sync src with device filesystem cd into src and use $ upydev dsync


  • Use -n to make a dry-run so you can see what would be synced.

  • Use -i file/pattern file/pattern.. to ignore any unwanted file.

  • Use -p to see diff between modified files. (requires git to be available in $PATH)

  • Use -rf to remove any file/dir in device filesystem that is not in current host dir structure. (requires upysh2.py in device)

If using dsync from shell-repl mode -n flag will save the list of files/dirs to sync so it can be viewed again with dsync -s, or dsync -s -app to show and apply.

my_project$ cd src
src$ upydev dsync
dsync: syncing path ./:
dsync: dirs: OK[✔]
dsync: syncing new files (1):
- ./lib/foo.py [0.02 kB]

./lib/foo.py -> mydevice:./lib/foo.py

./lib/foo.py [0.02 kB]
▏███████████████████████████████████████████▏ -  100 % | 0.02/0.02 kB |  0.02 kB/s | 00:01/00:01 s

1 new file, 0 files changed, 0 files deleted

To sync from device to host use -d flag.

src$ upydev dsync -d
dsync: path ./:
dsync: dirs: OK[✔]

dsync: syncing new files (2):
- ./lib/shasum.py [5.83 kB]
- ./lib/upysh.py [10.00 kB]

mydevice:./lib/shasum.py -> ./lib/shasum.py

./lib/shasum.py [5.83 kB]
▏███████████████████████████████████████████▏ -  100 % | 5.83/5.83 kB |  9.23 kB/s | 00:00/00:00 s

mydevice:./lib/upysh.py -> ./lib/upysh.py

./lib/upysh.py [10.00 kB]
▏███████████████████████████████████████████▏ -  100 % | 10.00/10.00 kB | 16.48 kB/s | 00:00/00:00 s

2 new files, 0 files changed, 0 files deleted

Now host and device filesystem are fully synced.

src $ tree
    ├── boot.py
    ├── main.py
    └── lib
         ├── foo.py
         ├── shasum.py
         └── upysh.py
src $ upydev tree
    ├── boot.py
    ├── main.py
    └── lib
         ├── foo.py
         ├── shasum.py
         └── upysh.py


tree command needs module upysh2.py, that can be uploaded with $ upydev update_upyutils upysh2.py. And in this case was already frozen in firmware so that’s why it doesn’t appear in device filesystem.

dsync accepts multiple files/dirs/ or pattern that will filter what to sync and speed up the syncing process, e.g.

# only sync lib dir
src $ upydev dsync lib
dsync: syncing path ./lib:
dsync: dirs: OK[✔]
dsync: files: OK[✔]

# only sync .py and .html files
src $ upydev dsync "*.py" "*.html"
dsync: syncing path ./*.py, ./*.html:
dsync: dirs: none
dsync: dirs: none
dsync: files: OK[✔]

Using tasks files

It is possible to create custom tasks yaml files so they can be played like in ansible. using play command, check some examples in upydev/playbooks e.g. consider this task file mytask.yaml:

- name: Example playbook
  hosts: espdev, gkesp32, pybV1.1, oble
    - name: Load upysh
      command: "import upysh"
    - name: Check device filesystem
      command: "ls"
    - name: Check memory
      command: "mem"
    - name: Check info
      command: "info && id"
    - name: Raw MP command
      command: "import time;print('hello');led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()"
      command_nb: "led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()"
    - name: Test load script
      wait: 5
      load: sample.py

And script sample.py

import time

for i in range(10):
  print(f"This is a loaded script: {i}")

First set the name of the file, in this case Example playbook, then set the devices or hosts in which the tasks will be run.


devices must be already saved in the global group (see save device in global group)

Finally add tasks using name, and the command to be run.


Accepted directives are:
  • name: To indicate the playbook name or a task name

  • hosts: List of hosts (devices) (if none, it will use upydev config)

  • tasks: To indicate the list of tasks to execute

  • command: A command to be executed as in shell-repl mode or REPL command.

  • command_nb: A raw MicroPython command to be executed in non-blocking way.

  • command_pl: A command to be executed in parallel (if using multiple devices).

  • reset: To reset the device before executing the task.

  • wait: To wait x seconds before executing the task.

  • load: To load a local script (in cwd or task file directory) and execute in device.

  • load_pl: To load a local script and execute in parallel (if using multiple devices).

  • include: To filter which hosts will be included in that task.

  • ignore: To filter which hosts will be ignored in that task.


  • command:

    This directive accepts commands that are available in shell-repl mode (see shell-repl), so several commands can be concatenated with &&. Note that it can also accept raw MicroPython commands.

  • command_nb:

    This directive means non-blocking so it will send the command and won’t wait for the output. Also only raw MicroPython commands are accepted.

  • command_pl and load_pl:

    Won’t work with BleDevices so they will be ignored or may raise an error. Only exception is for pytest command which will work for all devices.

  • hosts:

    If directive not present, play will use current upydev config e.g.

      - name: Example playbook with no hosts indicated
        - name: Load upysh
          command: "from upysh import ls"
        - name: Check device filesystem
          command: "ls"
        - name: Check memory
          command: "mem"
    $ upydev play mytask_no_hosts.yaml -@ pybv1.1
    $ # OR
    $ pyb play mytask_no_hosts.yaml
    $ # OR
    $ mydevgroup play mytask_no_hosts.yaml
    $ # OR
    $ upydev play mytask_no_hosts.yaml -@ pybv1.1 espdev gkesp32

To run the tasks file do:

$ upydev play playbooks/mytask.yaml

PLAY [Example playbook]

TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok [✔]: [pybV1.1]
ok [✔]: [gkesp32]
ok [✔]: [espdev]
ok [✔]: [oble]

TASK [Load upysh]

[pybV1.1]: import upysh

[gkesp32]: import upysh

[espdev]: import upysh

[oble]: import upysh


TASK [Check device filesystem]

[pybV1.1]: ls

_tmp_script.py                           boot.py                                  debug.log
debug.log.1                              DIR_TEST                                 dstest
dummy.py                                 hostname.py                              lib
log_config.py                            main.py                                  mpy_test.py
nemastepper.py                           new_dir                                  new_file.py
pospid.py                                pospid_steppr.py                         README.txt
root_path.py                             servo_serial.py                          settings_config.py
stepper.py                               test_code.py                             test_file.txt
test_main.py                             test_secp256k1.py                        test_to_fail.py
testnew.py                               udummy.py                                upy_host_pub_rsa6361726c6f73.key
upy_pub_rsa3c003d000247373038373333.key  upy_pv_rsa3c003d000247373038373333.key
[gkesp32]: ls

appble.py                         base_animations.py                ble_flag.py
boot.py                           dummy.py                          ec-cacert.pem
error.log                         hostname.py                       http_client_ssl.py
http_server_ssl.py                http_server_ssl_ecc_pem.py        http_ssl_test.py
lib                               localname.py                      main.py
microdot.mpy                      myfile.txt                        myfile.txt.sign
ROOT_CA_cert.pem                  server.der                        size_config.py
ssl_auth.py                       SSL_cert_exp.pem                  SSL_certificate7c9ebd3d9df4.der
SSL_certificate7c9ebd569e5c.der   ssl_config.py                     ssl_context_rsa.py
ssl_ecc_auth.py                   ssl_flag.py                       SSL_key7c9ebd3d9df4.der
ssl_rsa_auth.py                   test_code.py                      test_ssl_context_client.py
test_to_fail.py                   udummy.py                         upy_host_pub_rsa6361726c6f73.key
upy_host_pub_rsaacde48001122.key  upy_pub_rsa7c9ebd3d9df4.key       upy_pv_rsa7c9ebd3d9df4.key
webrepl_cfg.py                    wpa_supplicant.config             wpa_supplicant.py

[espdev]: ls

ap_.config                       appble.py                        blemode_config.py
boot.py                          buzzertools.py                   dummy.py
ec-cacert.pem                    ec-cakey.pem                     error.log
hello_tls_context.py             hostname.py                      lib
main.py                          main.py.sha256                   microdot.mpy
remote_wifi_.config              ROOT_CA_cert.pem                 rsa_cert.der
size_config.py                   src_boot.py                      src_main.py
SSL_cert_exp.pem                 SSL_certificate30aea4233564.der  ssl_config.py
SSL_key30aea4233564.der          SSL_key_exp.der                  SSL_key_exp.pem
test_code.py                     test_config.py                   test_ssl_context_client.py
test_to_fail.py                  webrepl_cfg.py                   wifi_.config
wpa_supplicant.config            wpa_supplicant.py
[oble]: ls

_tmp_script.py              ble_flag.py                 boot.py                     dummy.py
error.log                   lib                         localname.py                main.py
main2.py                    nofile.py                   nofile2.py                  size_config.py
test_code.py                test_to_fail.py             testble.py

TASK [Check memory]

[pybV1.1]: mem

Memory          Size        Used       Avail        Use%
RAM          102.336 kB  11.728 kB   90.608 kB    11.5 %
[gkesp32]: mem

Memory          Size        Used       Avail        Use%
RAM          123.136 kB  18.576 kB   104.560 kB   15.1 %
[espdev]: mem

Memory          Size        Used       Avail        Use%
RAM          111.168 kB  52.576 kB   58.592 kB    47.3 %
[oble]: mem

Memory          Size        Used       Avail        Use%
RAM          111.168 kB  23.120 kB   88.048 kB    20.8 %

TASK [Check info]

[pybV1.1]: info && id

SerialDevice @ /dev/tty.usbmodem3370377430372, Type: pyboard, Class: SerialDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.19.1-217-g5234e1f1e on 2022-07-29; PYBv1.1 with STM32F405RG
Pyboard Virtual Comm Port in FS Mode, Manufacturer: MicroPython
(MAC: 3c:00:3d:00:02:47:37:30:38:37:33:33)
ID: 3c003d000247373038373333
[gkesp32]: info && id

WebSocketDevice @ wss://, Type: esp32, Class: WebSocketDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.19.1-321-gb9b5404bb on 2022-08-24; 4MB/OTA SSL module with ESP32
(MAC: 7c:9e:bd:3d:9d:f4, Host Name: gkesp32, RSSI: -69 dBm)
ID: 7c9ebd3d9df4
[espdev]: info && id

WebSocketDevice @ wss://, Type: esp32, Class: WebSocketDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.19.1-304-g5b7abc757-dirty on 2022-08-23; ESP32 module with ESP32
(MAC: 30:ae:a4:23:35:64, Host Name: espdev, RSSI: -49 dBm)
ID: 30aea4233564
[oble]: info && id

BleDevice @ 00FEFE2D-5983-4D6C-9679-01F732CBA9D9, Type: esp32 , Class: BleDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.18-128-g2ea21abae-dirty on 2022-02-19; 4MB/OTA BLE module with ESP32
(MAC: ec:94:cb:54:8e:14, Local Name: oble, RSSI: -63 dBm)
ID: ec94cb548e14

TASK [Raw MP command]

[pybV1.1]: import time;print('hello');led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()

[gkesp32]: import time;print('hello');led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()

[espdev]: import time;print('hello');led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()

[oble]: import time;print('hello');led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()

[pybV1.1]: led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()

[gkesp32]: led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()

[espdev]: led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()

[oble]: led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()


TASK [Test load script]

[pybV1.1]: loading playbooks/sample.py

This is a loaded script: 0
This is a loaded script: 1
This is a loaded script: 2
This is a loaded script: 3
This is a loaded script: 4
This is a loaded script: 5
This is a loaded script: 6
This is a loaded script: 7
This is a loaded script: 8
This is a loaded script: 9
[gkesp32]: loading playbooks/sample.py

This is a loaded script: 0
This is a loaded script: 1
This is a loaded script: 2
This is a loaded script: 3
This is a loaded script: 4
This is a loaded script: 5
This is a loaded script: 6
This is a loaded script: 7
This is a loaded script: 8
This is a loaded script: 9

[espdev]: loading playbooks/sample.py

This is a loaded script: 0
This is a loaded script: 1
This is a loaded script: 2
This is a loaded script: 3
This is a loaded script: 4
This is a loaded script: 5
This is a loaded script: 6
This is a loaded script: 7
This is a loaded script: 8
This is a loaded script: 9

[oble]: loading playbooks/sample.py

This is a loaded script: 0
This is a loaded script: 1
This is a loaded script: 2
This is a loaded script: 3
This is a loaded script: 4
This is a loaded script: 5
This is a loaded script: 6
This is a loaded script: 7
This is a loaded script: 8
This is a loaded script: 9


It is also possible to filter which tasks to run on each device using include or ignore directives, e.g.

  - name: Example playbook
    hosts: espdev, gkesp32, pybV1.1, oble
      - name: Raw MP Command
        command: "import time;print('hello');led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()"
        include: pybV1.1
      - name: Raw MP Command Parallel
        command_nb: "led.on();time.sleep(2);led.off()"
        ignore: pybV1.1
$ upydev play playbooks/mytask_pll.yaml
PLAY [Example playbook]

TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok [✔]: [pybV1.1]
ok [✔]: [gkesp32]
ok [✔]: [espdev]
ok [✔]: [oble]

TASK [Raw MP Command]

[pybV1.1]: import time;print('hello');led.on();time.sleep(1);led.off()


TASK [Raw MP Command Parallel]

[gkesp32]: led.on();time.sleep(2);led.off()

[espdev]: led.on();time.sleep(2);led.off()

[oble]: led.on();time.sleep(2);led.off()



It is possible to add these tasks and its loaded scripts so they can be run from anywhere, using add, rm and list.

  • add: add a task file (.yaml) or script (.py) to upydev, e.g.

  • rm: remove a task or script file from upydev.

  • list: list available tasks in upydev.

tasks files and scripts are stored in ~/.upydev_playbooks

Let’s consider this example with battery.yaml and battery.py

  - name: Check Battery State
      - name: Battery
        load: battery.py
        command: "battery"
from machine import ADC
bat = ADC(Pin(35))

class Battery:
    def __init__(self, bat=bat):
        self.bat = bat

    def __repr__(self):
        volt =((self.bat.read()*2)/4095)*3.6
        percentage = round((volt - 3.3) / (4.23 - 3.3) * 100, 1)
        return f"Battery Voltage : {round(volt, 2)}, V; Level:{percentage} %"

battery = Battery()

Adding this to upydev tasks

$ upydev play add battery.*
battery.yaml added to upydev tasks.
battery.py added to upydev tasks scripts.
$ upydev play battery # will run battery.yaml which loads battery.py in device and get battery state
PLAY [Check Battery State]

HOSTS TARGET: [espdev]
HOSTS FOUND : [espdev]

TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok [✔]: [espdev]

TASK [Battery]

[espdev]: loading battery.py

[espdev]: battery

Battery Voltage : 4.2, V; Level:96.8 %

And after that it is possible to do:

$ upydev battery
Battery Voltage : 4.19, V; Level:95.9 %

Making Test for devices with upydev/upydevice + pytest

Simple tests definitions

Using upydevice/test/ as a template is easy to create custom tests for a device, to be run interactively, which can range from entire modules to single functions, e.g.


pytest and pytest-benchmark required. Install with $ pip install pytest pytest-benchmark

Consider test test_blink_led from test_esp_serial.py This will test led on() and off() functions:

def test_blink_led():
  if dev.dev_platform == 'esp8266':
      _ESP_LED = 2
  elif dev.dev_platform == 'esp32':
      _ESP_LED = 13

  _led = dev.cmd("'led' in globals()", silent=True, rtn_resp=True) # define led if not already defined
  if not _led:
      dev.cmd('from machine import Pin; led = Pin({}, Pin.OUT)'.format(_ESP_LED))

  for i in range(2):
      dev.cmd('led.on();print("LED: ON")')
      dev.cmd('led.off();print("LED: OFF")')
      assert dev.cmd('not led.value()', silent=True,
                     rtn_resp=True), 'LED is on, should be off'
      print('Test Result: ', end='')
  except Exception as e:
      print('Test Result: ', end='')
      raise e

or testing a module test_code.py in device that will test upylog.py logging functions.

Consider test test_run_script from test_esp_serial.py

def test_run_script(): # the name of the test for pytest
  TEST_NAME = 'RUN SCRIPT' # the name of the test to display in log
  log.info('{} TEST: test_code.py'.format(TEST_NAME))
  dev.wr_cmd('import test_code', follow=True)
      assert dev.cmd('test_code.RESULT', silent=True,
                     rtn_resp=True) is True, 'Script did NOT RUN'
      dev.cmd("import sys,gc;del(sys.modules['test_code']);gc.collect()") # reloads module
      print('Test Result: ', end='')
  except Exception as e:
      print('Test Result: ', end='')
      raise e

So running this test

test $ upydev pytest test_esp_serial.py
Running pytest with Device: sdev
=========================================== test session starts ===========================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
benchmark: 3.4.1 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
rootdir: /Users/carlosgilgonzalez/Desktop/MY_PROJECTS/MICROPYTHON/TOOLS/upydevice_.nosync/test, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: benchmark-3.4.1
collected 7 items

test_esp_serial.py::test_devname PASSED
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
20:09:36 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : Running SerialDevice test...
20:09:36 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEV PLATFORM: esp32
SerialDevice @ /dev/cu.usbserial-016418E3, Type: esp32, Class: SerialDevice
Firmware: MicroPython v1.19.1-285-gc4e3ed964-dirty on 2022-08-12; ESP32 module with ESP32
CP2104 USB to UART Bridge Controller, Manufacturer: Silicon Labs
(MAC: 30:ae:a4:23:35:64)
20:09:37 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEV PLATFORM TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
test_esp_serial.py::test_blink_led LED: ON

---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
20:09:39 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : BLINK LED TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
20:09:39 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : RUN SCRIPT TEST: test_code.py
2022-08-17 19:09:38 [log_test] [INFO] Test message2: 100(foobar)
2022-08-17 19:09:38 [log_test] [WARN] Test message3: %d(%s)
2022-08-17 19:09:38 [log_test] [ERROR] Test message4
2022-08-17 19:09:38 [log_test] [CRIT] Test message5
2022-08-17 19:09:38 [None] [INFO] Test message6
2022-08-17 19:09:38 [log_test] [ERROR] Exception Ocurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_code.py", line 14, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: divide by zero
2022-08-17 19:09:38 [errorlog_test] [ERROR] Exception Ocurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_code.py", line 20, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: divide by zero
20:09:40 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : RUN SCRIPT TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
20:09:40 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE EXCEPTION TEST: b = 1/0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: divide by zero

20:09:40 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE EXCEPTION TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
20:09:40 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE RESET TEST
Rebooting device...
20:09:41 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE RESET TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
---------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------
20:09:41 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE DISCONNECT TEST
20:09:41 [pytest] [sdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE DISCONNECT TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED

============================================ 7 passed in 5.08s ============================================

Advanced tests definitions using yaml files

It is possible to use parametric test generation using yaml files e.g. consider test_dev.py in upydev/tests.

Defining a test in a yaml file with the following directives:

Test Directives

  • name: The name of the test

  • hint: Info about the test, description, context, etc.

  • reset: To reset the device (soft or hard) before running the test.

  • load: To load and execute a local file in device (.e.g test_basic_math.py)

  • command: The command to run the test in device.

  • args: To pass argument to the test function in device.

  • kwargs: To pass keyword arguments to the test function in device.

  • result: The command to get test result.

  • exp: Expected result to assert.

  • exp_type: Expected type of result to assert.

  • assert_op: Assert operation if other than ==.

  • assert_itr: Assert elements of iterable result (any, or all).

  • benchmark: To run a benchmark of the function (device time). (pytest-benchmark plugin required)

  • bench_host: To capture benchmark time of device + host (total time)

  • diff: To compute diff between device and host benchmark times (i.e. interface latency)

  • follow: To follow device benchmark output only (host+device time).

  • rounds: Rounds to run the function if doing a benchmark.

  • unit: To specify units if the measure is other than time in seconds. (i.e sensors)

  • network: To run network tests, (currently only iperf3:server, iperf3:client)

  • ip: IP to use in network tests, (localip, or devip)

  • reload: To reload a script in device so it can be run again .e.g reload foo_test module if command was import foo_test.


load can be a command too, .e.g import mytestlib although it won’t return anything (only stdout).


Some directives are mutually exclusive, e.g. the 3 types of tests would be:

  • Assert Test: using command, result, exp (with options like exp_type, assert_op, assert_itr)

  • Benchmark Test: using benchmark with rounds and options like bench_host, diff, follow, unit

  • Network Test: using network, command, ip to run network tests.

The directives that should work with any type of test are the rest ( name, load, args, kwargs, hint, reload, reset )

  - name: "sum"
    load: ./dev_tests/test_basic_math.py
    command: "a = do_sum"
    args: [1, 1]
    result: a
    exp: 2

  - name: "diff"
    command: "a = do_diff"
    args: [1, 1]
    result: a
    exp: 0

  - name: "product"
    command: "a = do_product"
    args: [2, 2]
    result: a
    exp: 4

  - name: "division"
    command: "a = do_div"
    args: [1, 2]
    result: a
    exp: 0.5
def do_sum(a, b):
return a + b

def do_diff(a, b):
  return a - b

def do_div(a, b):
  return a / b

def do_product(a, b):
  return a * b
tests $ upydev pytest test_load_basic_math.yaml
Running pytest with Device: pybV1.1
===================================================== test session starts =====================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
benchmark: 3.4.1 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
rootdir: /Users/carlosgilgonzalez/Desktop/MY_PROJECTS/MICROPYTHON/TOOLS/upydev_.nosync/tests, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: benchmark-3.4.1
collected 7 items

test_dev.py::test_devname PASSED
-------------------------------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------------------------------
17:06:44 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Running SerialDevice test...
17:06:44 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : DEV PLATFORM: pyboard
17:06:44 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : DEV PLATFORM TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
-------------------------------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------------------------------
17:06:44 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Running [sum] test...
17:06:44 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Loading ./dev_tests/test_basic_math.py file...
17:06:44 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Command [a = do_sum(*[1, 1])]
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : expected: 2 --> result: 2
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : sum TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
-------------------------------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------------------------------
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Running [diff] test...
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Command [a = do_diff(*[1, 1])]
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : expected: 0 --> result: 0
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : diff TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
-------------------------------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------------------------------
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Running [product] test...
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Command [a = do_product(*[2, 2])]
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : expected: 4 --> result: 4
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : product TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
-------------------------------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------------------------------
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Running [division] test...
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : Command [a = do_div(*[1, 2])]
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : expected: 0.5 --> result: 0.5
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : division TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
-------------------------------------------------------- live log call --------------------------------------------------------
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : DEVICE DISCONNECT TEST
17:06:45 [pytest] [pybV1.1] [PYBOARD] : DEVICE DISCONNECT TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED

====================================================== 7 passed in 1.76s ======================================================


pytest command will by default use test_dev.py if only yaml files indicated

Running Benchmarks with pytes-benchmark

See pytest-benchmark documentation

To write a benchmark test use benchmark directive to indicate a function that will be called rounds times (default 5). Consider this example:

  - name: System Check
    hint: "Device CPU frequency:"
    command: "import machine;machine.freq()"

  - name: Pystone Benchmark
    hint: Run 500 loops, returns time in seconds to complete a run.
    load: "import pystone_lowmem"
    benchmark: "pystone_lowmem.main"
    args: [500, True]
    reload: "pystone_lowmem"

Where the function pystone_lowmem.main(500,True) will perform a 500 loops run and return the time that it took in seconds.


Use of time.ticks_ms/time.ticks_us and time.ticks_diff to obtain the time that it takes to run any function and return time in seconds e.g.

def benchmark_this(func, *args, **kwargs):
  t0 = time.ticks_ms()
  result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  delta = time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), t0)
  return delta/1e3 # delta/1e6 if using time.ticks_us

Running test_benchmark/test_pystone_bmk.yaml benchmark with different devices and saving benchmark results

$ pyb pytest test_benchmark/test_pystones_bmk.yaml --benchmark-save=pyb_pystones
$ gk32 pytest test_benchmark/test_pystones_bmk.yaml --benchmark-save=gk32_pystones
$ sdev pytest test_benchmark/test_pystones_bmk.yaml --benchmark-save=sdev_pystones
$ oble pytest test_benchmark/test_pystones_bmk.yaml --benchmark-save=oble_pystones

It is possible to compare benchmark results e.g.

$ pytest-benchmark compare "*pystone*"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark 'device': 4 tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name (time in ms)                                                     Min                 Max                Mean            StdDev              Median               IQR            Outliers     OPS            Rounds  Iterations
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[gkesp32@esp32] (0002_gk32_py)       188.0000 (1.0)      197.0000 (1.0)      192.8000 (1.0)      4.0249 (4.50)     195.0000 (1.0)      6.7500 (5.40)          2;0  5.1867 (1.0)           5           1
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[pybV1.1@pyboard] (0001_pyb_pys)     262.0000 (1.39)     264.0000 (1.34)     263.4000 (1.37)     0.8944 (1.0)      264.0000 (1.35)     1.2500 (1.0)           1;0  3.7965 (0.73)          5           1
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[oble@esp32] (0003_oble_py)          264.0000 (1.40)     267.0000 (1.36)     265.2000 (1.38)     1.3038 (1.46)     265.0000 (1.36)     2.2500 (1.80)          1;0  3.7707 (0.73)          5           1
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[sdev@esp32] (0004_sdev_py)          282.0000 (1.50)     292.0000 (1.48)     288.4000 (1.50)     3.9115 (4.37)     289.0000 (1.48)     4.7500 (3.80)          1;0  3.4674 (0.67)          5           1

Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean

To see device firmware use --group-by=param

$ pytest-benchmark compare "*pystone*" --group-by=param

---------- benchmark 'Pystone Benchmark @ esp32 micropython-v1.18-128-g2ea21abae-dirty on 2022-02-19 4MB/OTA BLE module with ESP32': 1 tests -----------
Name (time in ms)                                                Min       Max      Mean  StdDev    Median     IQR  Outliers     OPS  Rounds  Iterations
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[oble@esp32] (0003_oble_py)     264.0000  267.0000  265.2000  1.3038  265.0000  2.2500       1;0  3.7707       5           1

------------ benchmark 'Pystone Benchmark @ esp32 micropython-v1.19.1-304-g5b7abc757-dirty on 2022-08-23 ESP32 module with ESP32': 1 tests -------------
Name (time in ms)                                                Min       Max      Mean  StdDev    Median     IQR  Outliers     OPS  Rounds  Iterations
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[sdev@esp32] (0004_sdev_py)     282.0000  292.0000  288.4000  3.9115  289.0000  4.7500       1;0  3.4674       5           1

-------------- benchmark 'Pystone Benchmark @ esp32 micropython-v1.19.1-321-gb9b5404bb on 2022-08-24 4MB/OTA SSL module with ESP32': 1 tests --------------
Name (time in ms)                                                   Min       Max      Mean  StdDev    Median     IQR  Outliers     OPS  Rounds  Iterations
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[gkesp32@esp32] (0002_gk32_py)     188.0000  197.0000  192.8000  4.0249  195.0000  6.7500       2;0  5.1867       5           1

----------------- benchmark 'Pystone Benchmark @ pyboard micropython-v1.19.1-217-g5234e1f1e on 2022-07-29 PYBv1.1 with STM32F405RG': 1 tests ----------------
Name (time in ms)                                                     Min       Max      Mean  StdDev    Median     IQR  Outliers     OPS  Rounds  Iterations
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[pybV1.1@pyboard] (0001_pyb_pys)     262.0000  264.0000  263.4000  0.8944  264.0000  1.2500       1;0  3.7965       5           1

Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean

To see the command/hint/context of the benchmark use --group-by=param:cmd

$ pytest-benchmark compare "*pys*" --group-by=param:cmd

benchmark "cmd={'name': 'Pystone Benchmark', 'hint': 'Run 500 loops, returns time in seconds to complete a run.', 'load': 'import pystone_lowmem', 'benchmark': 'pystone_lowmem.main(benchtm=True)', 'reload': 'pystone_lowmem'}": 4 tests
Name (time in ms)                                                     Min                 Max                Mean            StdDev              Median               IQR            Outliers     OPS            Rounds  Iterations
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[gkesp32@esp32] (0002_gk32_py)       188.0000 (1.0)      197.0000 (1.0)      192.8000 (1.0)      4.0249 (4.50)     195.0000 (1.0)      6.7500 (5.40)          2;0  5.1867 (1.0)           5           1
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[pybV1.1@pyboard] (0001_pyb_pys)     262.0000 (1.39)     264.0000 (1.34)     263.4000 (1.37)     0.8944 (1.0)      264.0000 (1.35)     1.2500 (1.0)           1;0  3.7965 (0.73)          5           1
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[oble@esp32] (0003_oble_py)          264.0000 (1.40)     267.0000 (1.36)     265.2000 (1.38)     1.3038 (1.46)     265.0000 (1.36)     2.2500 (1.80)          1;0  3.7707 (0.73)          5           1
test_dev[Pystone Benchmark]:[sdev@esp32] (0004_sdev_py)          282.0000 (1.50)     292.0000 (1.48)     288.4000 (1.50)     3.9115 (4.37)     289.0000 (1.48)     4.7500 (3.80)          1;0  3.4674 (0.67)          5           1

Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean

It is possible to benchmark measurements other than time, i.e. to benchmark sensor measurements. Use unit directive in yaml file to indicate the unit or measurement and unit, e.g. unit: "V" or unit: "voltage:V". This also can be set at the command line with --unit option.

Let’s consider this example to take measurements with an ADC sensor ADS1115

- name: i2c_config
  load: "from machine import I2C, Pin"
  command: "i2c=I2C"
  args: "[1]"
  kwargs: "{'scl': Pin(22), 'sda': Pin(23)}"

- name: i2c_scan
  command: "addr=i2c.scan()"
  result: "i2c.scan()"
  exp: [72]
  exp_type: list

- name: ads_config
  command: "from ads1115 import ADS1115;sensor=ADS1115(i2c,
           addr[0], 1); sensor.set_conv(7, channel1=0)"

- name: ads_read
  command: "mv = sensor.raw_to_v(sensor.read())"
  result: mv
  exp: 0
  assert_op: "<="
  exp_type: float

- name: ADS1115 Benchmark
  hint: Test ADS1115 ADC sensor
  load: "import time"
  benchmark: "[(time.time_ns(), sensor.raw_to_v(sensor.read())) for i in range(100)]"
  unit: "voltage:V"
  rounds: 1
$ espd pytest test_ads/test_ads_bmk.yaml --benchmark-save=espd_ads1115 --benchmark-save-data
Running pytest with Device: espdev
Comparing against benchmarks from: Darwin-CPython-3.7-64bit/0022_espd_ads1115.json
===================================================================================================================== test session starts =====================================================================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.9, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0
benchmark: 3.4.1 (defaults: timer=time.perf_counter disable_gc=False min_rounds=5 min_time=0.000005 max_time=1.0 calibration_precision=10 warmup=False warmup_iterations=100000)
rootdir: /Users/carlosgilgonzalez/Desktop/MY_PROJECTS/MICROPYTHON/TOOLS/upydev_.nosync/tests, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: benchmark-3.4.1
collected 8 items

test_dev.py::test_devname PASSED
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ live log call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23:35:13 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Running WebSocketDevice test...
23:35:13 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Device: esp32
23:35:13 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Firmware: micropython v1.19.1-304-g5b7abc757-dirty on 2022-08-23; ESP32 module with ESP32
23:35:13 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : DEV PLATFORM TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ live log call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23:35:13 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Running [i2c_config] test...
23:35:13 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Loading from machi... snippet
paste mode; Ctrl-C to cancel, Ctrl-D to finish
=== from machine import I2C, Pin

23:35:14 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Command [i2c=I2C(*[1], **{'scl': Pin(22), 'sda': Pin(23)})]
23:35:14 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : i2c_config TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ live log call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23:35:14 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Running [i2c_scan] test...
23:35:14 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Command [addr=i2c.scan()]
23:35:15 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : expected: list --> result: <class 'list'>
23:35:15 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : expected: [72] == result: [72]
23:35:15 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : i2c_scan TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ live log call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23:35:15 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Running [ads_config] test...
23:35:15 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Command [from ads1115 import ADS1115;sensor=ADS1115(i2c, addr[0], 1); sensor.set_conv(7, channel1=0)]
23:35:16 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : ads_config TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ live log call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23:35:16 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Running [ads_read] test...
23:35:16 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Command [mv = sensor.raw_to_v(sensor.read())]
23:35:17 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : expected: float --> result: <class 'float'>
23:35:17 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : expected: 0 <= result: 0.5788927
23:35:17 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : ads_read TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
test_dev.py::test_dev[ADS1115 Benchmark]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ live log call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23:35:17 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Running [ADS1115 Benchmark] test...
23:35:17 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Loading import tim... snippet
paste mode; Ctrl-C to cancel, Ctrl-D to finish
=== import time

23:35:18 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Hint: Test ADS1115 ADC sensor
23:35:18 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : Benchmark Command [[(time.time_ns(), sensor.raw_to_v(sensor.read())) for i in range(100)]]
[(715559717849154000, 0.5791427), (715559717862555000, 0.5806427), (715559717872601000, 0.5815177), (715559717882546000, 0.5813928), (715559717892413000, 0.5820178), (715559717902349000, 0.5815177), (715559717912478000, 0.5811427), (715559717922413000, 0.5811427), (715559717932291000, 0.5812678), (715559717942212000, 0.5816427), (715559717952415000, 0.5815177), (715559717962345000, 0.5813928), (715559717972224000, 0.5813928), (715559717982118000, 0.5810177), (715559717992065000, 0.5815177), (715559718002000000, 0.5812678), (715559718011880000, 0.5811427), (715559718021805000, 0.5816427), (715559718031787000, 0.5808928), (715559718041728000, 0.5811427), (715559718051652000, 0.5815177), (715559718061669000, 0.5813928), (715559718071616000, 0.5813928), (715559718081553000, 0.5811427), (715559718091440000, 0.5811427), (715559718101334000, 0.5813928), (715559718111284000, 0.5813928), (715559718121221000, 0.5811427), (715559718131099000, 0.5808928), (715559718140997000, 0.5808928), (715559718150945000, 0.5811427), (715559718160970000, 0.5813928), (715559718170853000, 0.5817678), (715559718180773000, 0.5810177), (715559718190747000, 0.5808928), (715559718200688000, 0.5813928), (715559718210567000, 0.5807677), (715559718220463000, 0.5817678), (715559718230410000, 0.5805177), (715559718240350000, 0.5808928), (715559718250236000, 0.5810177), (715559718260293000, 0.5808928), (715559718270243000, 0.5811427), (715559718280178000, 0.5811427), (715559718290054000, 0.5811427), (715559718299951000, 0.5808928), (715559718309908000, 0.5805177), (715559718319844000, 0.5811427), (715559718329721000, 0.5806427), (715559718339619000, 0.5812678), (715559718349568000, 0.5813928), (715559718359641000, 0.5813928), (715559718370132000, 0.5813928), (715559718380101000, 0.5810177), (715559718390056000, 0.5807677), (715559718399996000, 0.5813928), (715559718409886000, 0.5810177), (715559718419775000, 0.5810177), (715559718429732000, 0.5816427), (715559718439670000, 0.5811427), (715559718449554000, 0.5808928), (715559718459455000, 0.5813928), (715559718469707000, 0.5811427), (715559718479695000, 0.5811427), (715559718489586000, 0.5815177), (715559718499520000, 0.5812678), (715559718509505000, 0.5805177), (715559718519437000, 0.5813928), (715559718529372000, 0.5808928), (715559718539332000, 0.5808928), (715559718549288000, 0.5811427), (715559718559336000, 0.5810177), (715559718569478000, 0.5807677), (715559718579373000, 0.5813928), (715559718589322000, 0.5810177), (715559718599262000, 0.5812678), (715559718609149000, 0.5806427), (715559718619041000, 0.5816427), (715559718628992000, 0.5812678), (715559718638925000, 0.5812678), (715559718648820000, 0.5812678), (715559718658717000, 0.5818928), (715559718668752000, 0.5808928), (715559718678688000, 0.5808928), (715559718688632000, 0.5807677), (715559718698531000, 0.5813928), (715559718708483000, 0.5808928), (715559718718414000, 0.5816427), (715559718728302000, 0.5808928), (715559718738192000, 0.5806427), (715559718748135000, 0.5812678), (715559718758075000, 0.5813928), (715559718768006000, 0.5807677), (715559718778015000, 0.5808928), (715559718787963000, 0.5816427), (715559718797895000, 0.5811427), (715559718807782000, 0.5812678), (715559718817676000, 0.5811427), (715559718827620000, 0.5808928), (715559718837561000, 0.5808928)]

23:35:20 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : ADS1115 Benchmark TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ live log call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23:35:20 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE DISCONNECT TEST
23:35:20 [pytest] [espdev] [ESP32] : DEVICE DISCONNECT TEST: [✔]
Test Result: PASSED
Saved benchmark data in: /Users/carlosgilgonzalez/Desktop/MY_PROJECTS/MICROPYTHON/TOOLS/upydev_.nosync/tests/.benchmarks/Darwin-CPython-3.7-64bit/0023_espd_ads1115.json

------------------------------------------------------- benchmark 'device': 1 tests -------------------------------------------------------
Name (voltage in mV)                                Min       Max      Mean  StdDev    Median     IQR  Outliers     OPS  Rounds  Iterations
test_dev[ADS1115 Benchmark]:[espdev@esp32]     579.1427  582.0178  581.1515  0.3732  581.1427  0.5000      23;1  1.7207     100           1

  Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
  OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
===================================================================================================================== 8 passed in 13.40s ======================================================================================================================


benchmark directive accepts single value, a list of values or a list of 2 values tuples, where the first value is a time value and the second is the measurement to benchmark.


To save benchmark results (i.e not only the stats) use --benchmark-save=[NAME] --benchmark-save-data Data will be saved in .benchmarks/[SYSTEM PLATFORM]/xxxx_[NAME].json, e.g.

import json
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import sys

file = sys.argv[1]

with open(file, 'r') as rp:
    report = json.load(rp)

data = report['benchmarks'][0]['stats']['data']
time_stamp = report['benchmarks'][0]['extra_info']['vtime']
# from absolute timestamps in ns to relative time in seconds
t_vec = [(t-time_stamp[0])/1e9 for t in time_stamp]

plt.plot(t_vec, data)
plt.ylabel("Voltage ($V$)")
plt.xlabel("Time ($s$)")
$ ./plot.py .benchmarks/Darwin-CPython-3.7-64bit/0023_espd_ads1115.json

Device development setups


The easiest way to develop is having the device directly connected to the computer by USB. It allows a fast develop/test/fix/deploy cycle. It is also possible to make the device act as a peripheral so in can be integrated and controlled from the computer through a simple script, command line tool (like upydev) or even a GUI app. This is also possible using wireless connections, but this one has the lowest latency and the best performance.

To help with a fast development cycle, there are some tools/short-cuts/keybindings in shell-repl that allows to load code from file into the device buffer to be executed. This is done using a tmp file _tmp_script.py in cwd.

  • In shell mode: Pressing CTRL-t will load the contents of _tmp_script.py in device buffer and execute it. e.g. the file _tmp_script.py with content:

import time
for i in range(10):
    print(f"hello: {i}")

Pressing CTRL-t

esp32@sdev:~ $ Running Buffer...
hello: 0
hello: 1
hello: 2
hello: 3
hello: 4
hello: 5
hello: 6
hello: 7
hello: 8
hello: 9
  • In repl mode: Pressing CTRL-e will create/open file _tmp_script.py to be modified in vim. After saving and exit, the content will be loaded in device buffer. Next, pressing CTRL-d will execute the buffer or CTRL-c to cancel. e.g.

Pressing CTRL-e, saving and exit, then CTRL-d:

Temp Buffer loaded do CTRL-D to execute or CTRL-C to cancel
>>> Running Buffer...
hello: 0
hello: 1
hello: 2
hello: 3
hello: 4
hello: 5
hello: 6
hello: 7
hello: 8
hello: 9
  • Using load command in shell mode: This allows to load and execute local scripts in device. This loads a local file content in device buffer and executes it.

esp32@sdev:~ $ load dummy.py

This is a dummy file for testing purpose


Device buffer is limited so if the file is too big it may be better to upload the file to the device or split the file in smaller ones.


This is also avaible in the shell-repl for WebSocketDevices and BleDevices, however latency will be higher due to the nature of wireless connections, e.g higher latency of BleDevices if using a bluetooth headset at the same time.


In upyutils/network there are some modules that may be of help when developing devices that needs to be connected and mantain a reliable connection.

Using wpa_supplicant.py module allows to the define a configuration file wpa_supplicant.config with known AP networks ssid:passwords and its function e.g.

{"my_ssid": "my_pass", "my_ssid2": "my_pass2"}

setup_network() will scan and connect to the closest known AP and return True if connected.

import wpa_supplicant

if wpa_supplicant.setup_network():
  # Now for example RTC can be set with ntptime.settime()
  # Enable device AP instead
  print("Enabling AP")

As a bonus to set mDNS host name of the device, add a file named hostname.py with the name e.g. NAME = "mydevice" and it will be set by wpa_supplicant.setup_network() too. This allows to use mydevice.local instead of device IP address.

$ ping mydevice.local
PING mydevice.local ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=100.093 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=21.592 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=239.554 ms
--- mydevice.local ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 21.592/120.413/239.554/90.135 ms

In case a device needs to be moved (e.g. is powered by battery or to change device location) A network watchdog can be useful to reset and connect to a new AP or schedule a reconnection attemp.

Module nwatchdog.py defines a Network watchdog class that will init a WatchDog Timer WDT with a timeout of n+10 and a hardware Timer that will check every n seconds if WLAN is connected, and feed the WDT if True. Therefore if WLAN is for any reason disconnected the watchdog will not be fed and it will trigger a reset.

e.g. in combination with wpa_supplicant.py and config module.

from wpa_supplicant import setup_network
from nwatchdog import WatchDog
from watchdog_config import WATCHDOG
from log_config import LOG
import ntptime
import upylog
from hostname import NAME

upylog.basicConfig(level=LOG.level, format='TIME_LVL_MSG')
log = upylog.getLogger(NAME, log_to_file=True, rotate=5000)

if setup_network():
  if WATCHDOG.enabled:
      wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
      watch_dog = WatchDog(wlan)
      log.info('Network WatchDog started!')
  # Set time
  except Exception as e:
      log.exception(e, "NTP not available")

  # set AP

Module ursyslogger.py allows to forward logging messages to a remote host using rsyslog . Configure rsyslog in remote server to enable remote logging using TCP, see remote logging with rsyslog.

Then add RsysLogger to log.

>>> from ursyslogger import RsysLogger
>>> rsyslog = RsysLogger("server.local", port=514, hostname="mydevice", t_offset="+01:00")
>>> log.remote_logger = rsyslog
>>> log.info("Remote hello")
2022-09-15 10:06:04 [esp32@mydevice] [INFO] Remote hello

Then check in remote server e.g.

$ tail -F mydevice.local.log
Sep 15 10:06:04 mydevice.local esp32@mydevice Remote hello


Once the device is running BleREPL with NUS profile (Nordic UART Service), it is possible to connect and send commands as with other devices. However due to the nature of Bluetooth Low Energy, the computer needs to scan first and then connect, which depending on the advertising period of the device, it may take a bit. This is why connecting to the device using shell-repl mode is the best way to work. (e.g in case the device cannot be connected using USB/Serial i.e. no physical access.) Using config module it is possible to set different operation modes that will switch between:

  • Custom ble app/profile (e.g. Temeperature Sensor Profile)

  • Debug Mode, running BleREPL with NUS Profile.

  • Bootloader Mode, running DFU Profile to do OTA firmware updates.

Set mode config with, (in shell-repl)

esp32@oble:~ $ config add mode
esp32@oble:~ $ config mode: app=True blerepl=False dfu=False
mode -> app=True, blerepl=False, dfu=False

and in main.py:

from mode_config import MODE

if MODE.app:
  print('App mode')
  import myapp

elif MODE.blerepl:
  print('Debug mode')
  import ble_uart_repl

elif MODE.dfu:
  print('DFU mode')
  from otable import BLE_DFU_TARGET
  ble_dfu = BLE_DFU_TARGET()


Note that while running in app or dfu mode to switch to another mode, it should be done by setting mode config using config module and then rebooting the device, using a custom writable characteristic in case of app mode, and in case of dfu mode after a timeout with no connections or OTA update successfully done (ideally switching to debug / blerepl mode to perform tests. After that set config to app mode and reboot)